Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011

Old House

They still had rotary phones when I was little *hehehehe*. Our rotary phone back then was really old and if your hands are wet, you could feel a little static surge *aka na-ground* Well, I remember using the phone, and it was the first time it happened. My hands weren't wet at all. I was dialing it when all of a sudden, in a flash I saw a grown up hand on top of my hand that was dialing and I saw the fingers flick the back of my hand. I then let go cuz it kinda hurt and held and rubed the sore spot while I examined it *my hand*. I turned angrily at our hired help, who was a good 5 feet behind me and accused her of flicking my hand. She said it wasn't her. I then told her that I saw a hand flick my hand but she said Na ground ka lang. Na ground ako many time AFTER that, and it's not the same feeling. Someone flicked my hand that day. The hired help and I were the only people in the house at that time.

This house where I grew up in, as I've mentioned earlier, is at least 70 years old. I believe that within it's walls, it had absorbed so many memories and energies from past emotions and activities. Why did I come up with such an idea? Well, consider this:

*back when I was little, every night, when everybody's already in their respective bedrooms. *FYI, my bedroom is the closest to the stairs and everyone has to pass by my bedroom door in order if they want to go downstairs*, I always hear voices. It sounded like people talking over dinner or something because I could hear the tinkling utensils and plates and dinner chairs being pushed back. I remember asking my Mom who those people were, and I distinctively remember her listening as well. She then said that it was the neighbor *sure* making those noises.

*the feet at the stair case

my dad's story

*from our old house mentioned above

-his Dad died even before my dad got married. My Dad said that months after my Lolo died, he heard my lolo. It was already after midnight, my dad came home late. He went up his room as he crashed into his bed, he heard my lolo's distinctive knock at his bedroom door with a Mon? *my dad's name*. My dad who had momentarily forgotten that his Dad already passed away, instinctively answered Dad.... My dad said that he was a bit scared but soon felt better. He realized that it was his dad's way of saying I'm still around, watchin' over you and making sure you safely made it home

-about my great grandpa, same house. He died in that house, in his bedroom. Guess what? 30 years later, it became my bedroom heehehehe. Nah, I didn't feel anything. But anyway, on with my story. My dad said that as always, he came home late one night. On his way up the stairs, he spied his lolo *who already passed away* sitting at the head of the table *his usual spot* in the dining room. He was looking directly at him. It kinda freaked him out and quickly went up his room.

Story by: Triglyceride on PEX

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